Not Will Smith i robot. Im talking about the i robot that is also called Roomba. This crazy thing cleans your floors on its own. Before I start talking about the i robot vacuum cleaner,let's talk about Will Smith. Will Smith is an asshole. His kids suck too. Will Smith was filming in Louisiana not too long ago, and we have great tax breaks for the movie industry,so a lot of movies are filmed in our state. (Bobby Jindal wants to get rid of these tax breaks because he is an idiot.) So Will Smith is filming in our great state and this dickhead doesn't have a movie trailer like most stars do. This
blimmet has to bring a super movie trailer to the set. Why should I give a shit about that? Well this asshole decides he's going to park his three story trailer in front of some businesses. Now no one can see the places of business. This isn't the first time he teabagged a business. He did the same thing in New York and there was an article about it. The owners of the business were blocked by his massive three story, marble floor, super trailer. These owners of these businesses went weeks of losing money cause of this monster bus parked in front of their stores. Here's why this guy is a blimmet. He was nothing but a regular guy back in the day. Now that this blimmet is famous, he acts like an idiot,has a drama queen temper,could care less about other people, and most of all this piece of shit thinks his kids can act. His kids really suck in all of their 3 movies or whatever these ass clowns are forced into with the help of the fresh Blimmet of Bel Air. Remember Willow? The movie with the midget? He named his daughter Willow then this bitch has a song called whip my hair back and forth. What a bunch of bogues. All of them should drive their super bus off a cliff.
I'm done bitching about Will Smith. Back to the crazy robot vacuum cleaner! This thing is amazing! I got it from Sam's club during this crazy sale that was opened for two hours. Right when I pull up they had about 300 people wrapped around the building! I finally get in the store and I tell my friend to run to the stuff he wants and we will meet in the middle. The good news is that the store put all the stuff that's on special right in the middle of the store. It's time to run over children and old people. They slow the process down. A few good elbows are good too. Plus when the ambulance comes to scrap the old people and small kids off the ground it creates a distraction so you can find more things while people are trying to "help the old and small kids". (I'm just joking people settle down) I find the i robot vacuum and buy some other shit I don't need. As soon as I get home I set up this robot and my dog Cole is afraid of it. After watching it roam around the house for a while, I empty out a bunch of hair and stuff. This thing is a beast! Two days later I let it work while I run an errand. My dog Cole is pissed off that he now has to share space with a fucking robot. This asshole takes the biggest crap he's ever taken in his life while I'm gone. The i robot runs over the crap and starts throwing the shit all over my kitchen like a monkey in a zoo! When I get home my dog is grinning his ass off, and I'm wondering if a monkey escaped the zoo and threw crap all over my kitchen. My robot is just days old at this point! Its now tempered in raw shit just like the Hudson river!
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